Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Romanticism Questions March 11

1. When did the Romantic Era begin and end? Overall, how does the book describe the movement? How does it contrast to the Enlightenment/Age of Reason?
The Romantic Era was from 1785 to 1832. The book describes the movement as an era of rebellion against all of the different establishments of the previous culture. It differs from the age of reason because there is a lot more emotion and feeling displayed during this time.
2. What were the major political developments/changes that occured during the Romantic Era?
The prime ministers of the era made many civil reforms, such as allowing labor unions and giving Catholics more freedom. The aristocracy was given less power in government because the middle class was allowed to vote.
3. The introduction describe three pre-Romantic poets; how did these poets bridge the gap between Neoclassicism and Romanticism? What were the name of the three pre-Romantics discussed in the book?
While they imitated the Neoclassical model of imitating traditional literary forms, they also used their emotions to percieve nature, which was a very big part of Romanticism. The three poets discussed in the book are Thomas Gray, Robert Burns, and William Blake
4. What publication really began the Romantic Era? Why was the publication pivotal in the Romantic movement? What statements were the two authors trying to make with it? Who were considered the second generation of Romantics? What did they celebrate through their literature?
Lyrical Ballads, which was a collection of poems. It was pivotal because it was in the language of ordinary men and women. They were trying to make was a statement against the rich people of the world. The romantic poets after Wordsworth and Coleridge were the second generation of romantics. They celebrated emotion over reason and nature over science.
5. What is a Gothic novel? What are some examples of it?
They are long stories containing elements of suspense, mystery, magic, and the macabre, with exotic settings. An example would be Castle of Otranto by Hugh Walpole.
6. What type of novel did Jane Austen right?
She wrote novels of manners

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