Wednesday, December 17, 2008

1. Hamlet gives advice about acting to the Players before "The Mousetrap" in Act III sc i. Do you agree with the acting advice he gives? Who is your favorite actress/actor? Why?
I agree with his acting advice because of the purposes that he wants the play to have. I like Will Ferrell because he makes himself seem like a child even though he is an adult.
2. Do you think Hamlet crosses the line in how he acts toward Ophelia, R & G, and Queen i.e. rudely? Even though he's the hero of the story, do you like him as a character overall? Do his flaws make him a more compelling character? Why or why?
I think that he does cross the line, and this makes me despise him a little bit, but I would say that it makes for a more interesting story because this is not how heroes usually act.
3. Claudius evidently feels guilt during Act III sc iii; however, he finds difficult to ask for forgiveness. Why is this so? Is there any any way Claudius can be redeemed?
He is very happy with the position he is in now, so he doesn't want forgiveness. I think he could redeem himself by allowing Prince Hamlet to be the new king.
4. Hamlet's fatal flaw in the inability to act, and his tendency to overanalyze situations. Think of other films/books you've viewed. What's one of the characters flaws? Do you think Hamlet can overcome his flaw by the end of the play?
I read a book called Bull Catcher, and the characters fatal flaw was that he was too slow to play college baseball. I don't think he will be able to overcome his fatal flaws.
5. Was the Ghost actually in the room with the Queen or was he just imagining it? Why or why not?
I would say that the ghost was actually in the room but the queen didn't see it because I don't think that she is sad that the king is gone.

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